Watch USA Live webcams on the comfort of your home…
This app, I have originally discovered in 2020. We all stuck in our homes due to pandemic that happened all of a sudden. I was looking for anything to keep my sanity and be social as much as I could. Then I stumbled upon this app that helps me watch live webcams from the USA.

Now, after a couple of years later I have remembered this app because I was sick for 2 weeks due to Covid (again…) and had nothing to do but rest and watch stuff from my phone. As I was bored I have found this app lying in a folder in my phone and it made my rest a bit easier by helping me watch live cameras from USA New York or live webcams from Venice Beach, California. When you are isolated from people you tend to want to watch people getting social. We are social beings and isolation is not really good for us.

What I really liked about the app was the interesting cameras inside it. There were funny ones like a Snowman and a timer near it or colorful ones with an aquarium and exotic fish context. But what I really liked was live cameras from USA, Newyork or Venice Beach, California. Also there were a couple of cams from Bourbon Street. It was fun to watch people partying at night while resting.

So, if you want to travel around the USA by watching live webcams I highly suggest this app. It made my resting days easier to be honest.
Android users can download the app here:
iPhone users can get it from here: